Get 3 killing blows while wall riding as lúcio without dying in quick or competitive play worth 15 gamerscore.
Floor is lava trophy overwatch.
Trying to juggle enemy health bars and aiming while sticking to a wall can be really hard especially when it needs to be done three times in one game.
The floor is lava trophy in overwatch.
Without a doubt the floor is lava is the hardest achievement to unlock in overwatch.
Origins edition the floor is lava trophy jamarn.
While playing as lúcio you will need to hold down while jumping onto a wall to ride it.
Get 3 killing blows while wall riding as lúcio without dying in quick or competitive play worth 15 trophy xp truetrophies gaming.
Essentially it s a way for folks to create and share wild game modes using a basic scripting system.
Supersonic the floor is lava trophy achievement made easy duration.
Some players have gotten the achievement through unorthodox methods like asking the enemy team for help.
Hateful horsey 18 481 views.
Overwatch the floor is lava early trophy achievement tips lúcio.
Overwatch lucio the floor is lava achievement duration.