Floor joist span calculator.
Floor joist cantilever calculator.
Many building departments limit joist cantilevers to 24 maximum.
Joist size 2x8 2x10 2x12.
Home joist span.
Home joist span calculator.
While every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the information presented and special effort has been made to assure that the information reflects the state of the art neither the west coast lumber inspection bureau the american wood council nor its members assume any responsibility for any particular design prepared from this online span calculator.
Most lay outs are on 16 so the field is pre selected.
Also available for the android os.
Use the joist span and spacing calculator below to plug in your desired type of wood the size of your joists and the required spacing between each joist.
Floor cantilevers constructed in accordance with table r502 3 3 1 shall be permitted where supporting a light frame bearing wall and roof only.
Floor cantilever spans shall not exceed the nominal depth of the wood floor joist.
Next use the buttons in the table to select the maximum length in feet or metres in brackets that your floor joists must span.
For help simply click on the beside the section you need help with or watch this tutorial video.
There are six choices.
The lowest is a plain ceiling joist with no storage 10 pounds per square foot.
Species southern pine douglas fir larch hem fir spruce pine fir redwood western cedars ponderosa pine red pine.
Select the on center spacing for the joists.
The distance your joists can safely cantilever or overhang a drop beam is determined by the size of the joists the wood type and grade of the lumber and the spacing between joists.
To use the joist span calculator below first select the species of lumber you will use for your construction project from the drop down list.
On center joist spacing 12 16 24 overhang.
Span calculator for wood joists and rafters also available for the android os.
Floor cantilevers supporting an exterior balcony are permitted to be constructed in accordance with table r502 3 3 2.