Bc calc performs engineering analysis to help our customers size beams joists columns studs and tall walls for their building projects.
Floor joist loading table.
Floor joist span use this table to determine the maximum lengths of floor joists based on species of lumber joist spacing and joist size.
Dead load weight of structure and fixed loads 10 lbs ft 2.
2 grade of douglas fir are indicated below.
Looking at this table you will see there is a choice in the size of floor joist 2 x 6 2 x 8 2 x 10 or 2 x 12 and there is a choice in the joist spacing 12 16 or 14.
View joist rafter tables.
Floor joist span tables for various sizes and species of wood.
Span calculator for wood joists and rafters also available for the android os.
Listed are 46 tables based on common loading conditions for floor joists ceiling joists and rafters.
The span table for a 30 psf live load 10psf dead load floor indicates a required fb value of 1 315 and a minimum e value of 1 800 000.
1 psf lb f ft 2 47 88 n m 2.
Roof span and load tables 19 cantilevers 20 21 framing connectors 22 23 section 3.
Live load is weight of furniture wind snow and more.
The floor joist spacing is the distance between the centers of any two installed joists.
Design information for all joists tji joist floor framing 24 rim board selection and installation 25 floor details 26 27 roof framing 28 roof details 29 30 cut length calculation 31 material weights and.
It is simple to use yet flexible enough to analyze a variety of common applications.
This sample table gives minimum floor joist sizes for joists spaced at 16 inches and 24 inches on center o c for 2 grade lumber with 10 pounds per square foot of dead load and 40 pounds of live load which is typical of normal residential construction.
1 ft 0 3048 m.
The table excerpt above is simply a sample and may not be valid for your region.
Maximum floor joist span for no.
In the example the joists have a spacing of 16 inches and a span of 11 feet 2 inches.
The user enters the member geometry adds loads holes and other relevant data and then selects a product for analysis.
Joist span table use these tables to determine floor joist spans based on grade of lumber size of joist floor joist spacing and a live load of 30 lbs ft 2 or 40 lbs ft 2 these tables can also be used to determine deck joist span.
Also available for the android os.