The spans are based on simple span joists.
Floor joist steel joist span table.
Of bearings and is based on uniformly loaded joists.
Teel joist span tables are to be utilized in conjunction with the notes below.
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Joist span table use these tables to determine floor joist spans based on grade of lumber size of joist floor joist spacing and a live load of 30 lbs ft 2 or 40 lbs ft 2 these tables can also be used to determine deck joist span.
The floor joist span tables are based on the loadings given in the amended version of bs 6399 1 which is an imposed load of either a uniformly distributed load of 1 5 kn m or a concentrated load of 1 4 kn.
Allowable limiting heights spans contact clarkdietrich technical services at 888 437 3244 for any questions on tables below.
The maximum span is measured o c.
The minimum bearing length is 1 spans values in bold indicate that web stiffeners are required at the osb end panel.
Interior framing use iprostud in clarkdietrich itools to quickly lookup the interior framing system you need.
The minimum available tradeready rim track thickness is used.
For two equal spans the listed span is the center to center distance from either end to the center support.
S pan table notes.
Other span tables are based on the guidance given in bs 5268 7 1 which is a uniformly distributed load of 1 5kn m for spans greater than.
1 spans are based on continuous lateral support of the compression flange.
Calculated allowable properties are based upon aisi s100 07 north american specification for the design of cold formed steel structural members.