So the house dimensions will now be 24 x 13.
Floor joist wood beam span table.
The widest span in the floor joist span table in part 2 of this tutorial module showed that floor joists can span 17 2 if they are 2 x 12s spaced 12 o c.
View joist rafter tables.
The tables permit a bearing length of up to 3 5 inches but since 1 5 is probably the worst case that you ll encounter for joist or rafter bearing it s a safe value.
You can also use the wood beam calculator from the american wood council website to determine maximum rafter and joist lengths.
Also available for the android os.
This means that some values are slightly more conservative than span tables from other sources if those do not include the amended guidance.
Table 9 1 in span tables for joists and rafters figure 5 gives a required compression value of 237 psi for a span of 16 feet and bearing length of 1 5 inches.
Simplified maximum span tables for selected visual and mechanical grades of southern pine lumber in sizes 2 4 thru 2 12.
Span tables for domestic floor joists to bs 5268 7 1 note.
Use the span tables below to determine allowable lengths of joists and rafters based on size and standard design loads.
Let s expand our house beyond that 17 2 span capability to 24 feet wide.