Typically for better performing floors minimal defection is desired.
Floor load deflection calculation.
The deflection calculator provides several engineering specifications such as the moment of inertia and yield strength to determine deflection.
The formulas in this calculator only focus on either the downward or upward.
Downward loads tend to deflect the beam downwards.
Uniform loads have a constant magnitude along the length of application.
The dead load on a floor is determined by the materials used in the floor s construction.
A typical wood frame floor covered with carpet or vinyl flooring has a dead load of about 8 pounds per square foot.
2attic loads may be included in the floor live load but a 10 psf attic load is typically used only to size ceiling joists adequately for access purposes.
Chapter 3 of the international residential code irc provides the maximum allowable deflection for a given structural member floor roof wall etc.
This house is identical to our first example except it is stick built.
Loads should be determined in accordance with this chapter.
Enter your floor joist information and then hit calculate deflection to find out your floor rating.
The code section on working load deflection states.
As a result the live load dead load and distribution of forces are different.
Whether there will be one fixed end two fixed ends or the load will be supported on both ends.
And l 180 for unplastered roof construction.
Q force per unit length n m lbf in l unsupported length m in e modulus of elasticity n m 2 lbf in 2.
If you have engineered truss or i beam type joists please do not use this calculator.
Distributed loads are specified in units of force per unit length kn m or plf along the beam and can be applied between any two points.
Loads on the other hand affect the beam s deflection in two ways.
It is important to list live load dead load and total load separately because live load is used to compute stiffness and total load is used to calculate strength.
The amount of flex depends on the magnitude of the load applied span of the member and stiffness of the member.
If there s wall board covered ceiling suspended from the underside of that floor the dead load increases to about 10 pounds per square foot.
The direction of the deflection and the magnitude of the deflection.
Two different types can be applied in the calculator.
This calculator is designed to work with dimensional lumber only.
To generate the worst case deflection scenario we consider the applied load as a point load f at the end of the beam and the resulting deflection can be calculated as.
Therefore the start and end magnitudes specified by the user must be the same.
L 240 for unplastered floor construction.
The deflection of floor and roof assemblies shall not be greater than l 360 for plastered construction.
I planar moment of inertia m 4 in 4.
This deflection is calculated as.
Loads can be in the form of a single point load linear pressure or moment load.