Puzzles and arrangements set 47 floor puzzles august 3 2017 september 1 2017 shubhra directions 1 5.
Floor logical reasoning.
The ground floor is numbered 1 the first floor is numbered 2 and so on until the topmost floor is numbered eight.
Download floor based reasoning puzzles pdf and attempt reasoning floor based new pattern puzzle test sets in offline mode as well.
Questions to practice floor puzzles for logical reasoning of clat.
Eight persons a b c d e f g and h live on a separate floor each of an 8 floor building but not necessarily in the same order.
Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
Floor puzzle is an important topic from the logical reasoning section of the management entrance exam.
Candidates those who are preparing for the exams can use this.
Important concepts and tips to solve floor arrangement puzzles in reasoning section download in pdf.
Study the following information to answer the given questions.
Join testzone best test series for ibps clerk 2020 exam.
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
In any floor puzzles it is very important to analyze and frame the given data.
Dear readers important tips to solve floor arrangements puzzles in reasoning section which were most expected questions in upcoming ibps po clerk 2017 exams.