In wall toilet carrier in stud wall.
Floor mount fixture supports.
Weldedbase r eg u la ryf.
Arms shall be fully adjustable after installation of finished wall.
Suffix kf supporting bar for fixture mounted knee actionvalve.
Uprights shall be high strength steel with welded bases securely bolted to floor construction.
Carriers fixture supports carrier parts eastern style water closet lavatory sink carriers urinal carriers water closet toilet carriers water cooler carriers.
The types of fixture supports shown are detailed in ansi a112 6 1m.
Refer to manufacturer information for specific requirements.
Fixture supports 311ua adjustable water closet support horizontal water closet carrier with floor mounted foot support rear anchor 7 abs coupling urinal auxiliary sanitary inlet adjustable faceplate.
Fixture carriers patented labor saving industry standard compression seal water closet carriers and track lavatory carriers highlight watts complete range of off the floor fixture supports.
17550 ur floor mounted hanger plate type fixture carrier.
Supports for off the floor plumbing fixtures.
Fixed carriers are less common but require less clear space in the wall cavity.
Products building drainage carriers fixture supports urinal carriers z1223.
Carriers fixture supports.
Attachment type anytypeofunit mounteddirectlyto thefloor rigid go to page 51 connectedtoangles mountedtothefloor rigidwithangles go to page 55 onaraisedfloor raisedfloor go to page 61 directlytothewall wall.
Water closet supports adjustable carriers.
Contact us to learn more.
Suffix kw supporting plate forwall mounted knee action valve.
The specific purpose is to insure that specifiers provide sufficient wall space to properly install and all dimensions shown are minimum and can be increased to accommodate required variations or accessories.
Specifically engineered for installation speed and flexibility our carriers perform in the pre fab shop and on the jobsite.
Smith 0700 floor mount lavatory carrier fixture support pro set upright for high back lavatories floor mounted and concealed arms.
Z1223 plate type system trough urinal.
At josam we offer quality engineered plumbing and drainage products.
Find specifications and options for our fixture carriers and supports.
The pdi has a handy pdf chart of space requirements for plumbing fixture supports.
Traps primers specialties.
Typical equipment how is equipment to be installed.