Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet elevated.
Floor oblique twist.
Why this exercise is important.
As you twist keep your arms parallel to the floor or reach down to tap the floor beside you.
During oblique plate twists your rectus abdominis and back muscles must work together in order to support your spine while your rib cage is rotating.
When it comes to getting a strong core many people aim for six pack abs.
This process helps in strengthening and tightening your abdominal muscles especially the oblique muscles and rectus abdominis.
Chair oblique twists it a very powerful workout that works many muscles in your core and the abdominal muscles.
How to do it.
Perform two to three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions of each exercise.
For example by keeping both feet on the floor you can make the exercise more accessible.
Now you re going to slowly lift your right leg coming up to your chest while lowering your left elbow toward your knee.
Here are 15 exercises to tone your obliques.
But don t forget those side abdominals.
Sit up with your legs out in front of you knees bent and your heels on the floor.
If you re new to exercise or you have recently experienced a back injury consult your physician before performing oblique twists or any new exercises.
The oblique twist and its variants will help give you a leaner more muscular mid section.
How to make oblique twists easier you can make oblique exercises easier by increasing how many points of contact you have with the floor explains openfit fitness specialist cody braun.
Sit on the chair with your left hand behind your head.
Engage your abdominal and back muscles throughout the exercise.