Shire oak item number.
Floor of dreams.
The condition color or type of floor reflects the overall feeling of everything you are doing in your life.
A leak in a ceiling for example could show us that something we have attempted to keep out memories of the past thoughts are inescapable and are bleeding through demanding our attention.
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Renaissance oak item number.
Floor of your dreams inc projects.
To dream of a floor represents the theme or tone to your involvement in a situation.
Historic oak item number.
The ceiling may also reflect a limitation and could symbolize.
Dreams that emphasize the floor or ceiling can help us identify what is influencing us.
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Dream meaning when we dream about the floor of a room we are usually thinking about our own belief structures and about where we stand it can also have a very physical aspect to it as well for example an actual change of circumstance in our waking life.
To dream of a floor cloth to use it for cleaning is the same as dealing with your health closely in real life to cleanse the body of toxins.