The posterior triangle of the neck contains many muscles which make up the borders and the floor of the area.
Floor of posterior triangle muscles.
The borders of the posterior triangle of the neck are formed by the trapezius muscle posteriorly the sternocleidomastoid muscle anteriorly and the omohyoid muscle inferiorly.
The semispinalis capitis occasionally splenius capitis levator scapulae and middle scalene and posterior muscles line the floor of the occipital triangle in that craniocaudal order.
Interior belly ot the omohyoid muscle.
The following structures are superficial to the prevertebral tascia.
The posterior triangle of the neck contains many muscles which make up the borders and the floor of the area.
Levator scapulae 4 m.
The posterior triangle is crossed about 2 5 cm above the clavicle by the inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle which divides the space into two triangles.
Splenius capitis 3 m.
It is split into two bellies by a tendon.
The roof of the triangle is from superficial to deep skin superficial and deep fascia.
It is split into two bellies by a tendon.
The inferior belly crosses the posterior triangle travelling in an supero medial direction and splitting the.
The inferior belly crosses the posterior triangle travelling in an supero medial direction and splitting the.
The muscular floor of posterior triangle is covered by prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia which creates the fascial carpeting of the floor of the posterior triangle it creates axillary sheath around subclavian artery and brachial plexus going from the root of the neck to the upper limb.
The lower part of the posterior triangle is crossed.
Semispinalis capitis 2 m.
The floor of the posterior triangle is formed by the splenius muscles the levator scapula the three scalene muscles and the inferior belly of the omohyoid n26.
The prevertebral fascia forms the floor of the posterior triangle of the neck figure 26 1c and d.
Courses from the hyoid bone en route to the scapula within the pretracheal fascia.
Fascial carpeting of the posterior triangle.
To better expose the floor of the triangle up of the posterior thoracic wall in the 6th and 7th intercostal space a patient is asked to fold their arms across their chest laterally rotating the scapulae while bending forward at the trunk somewhat resembling a fetal position.
Typically the triangle of auscultation is covered by the scapula.
A significant muscle in the posterior triangle region is the omohyoid muscle.
From superior to inferior 1 m.