It is also called a plan which is a measured plane typically projected at the floor height of 4 ft 1 2 m as opposed to an elevation which is a measured plane projected from the side of a building along its height or a section or cross section where a building is cut along an axis to reveal the interior structure.
Floor plan section cut.
The reason for doing it this way instead of using sketchup s built in section cut tool is that this way eliminates the empty spaces where a mass has been cut revealing the geometry below.
If part of a floor is cut through the floor should appear to be solid instead of showing any lines from the top of the walls on the floor below.
Plan drawings are in fact a type of section but they cut through the building on a horizontal rather than vertical plane.
Selecting the section cut floor plan generate option from the utilities menu brings up the section floor plan views generate view dialog box.
The plan is typically cut at a height of about 4 feet but the architect drawing the plan may cut it at a different height.
It displays a list of section views and floor plan views.
The direction of the plane through which the section is cut is often represented on plan drawings and elevations by a line of long and short dashes called a section plane.
If you have not setup any views before choosing this option the dialog box will be empty.