Your view should be set to one that shows the model in a head on orientation and make sure the camera is set to parallel projection.
Floor plan section cuts.
A floor plan is the most fundamental architectural diagram a view from above showing the arrangement of spaces in building in the same way as a map but showing the arrangement at a particular level of a building technically it is a horizontal section cut through a building conventionally at four feet one metre and twenty centimetres above floor level showing walls windows.
The plan is typically cut at a height of about 4 feet but the architect drawing the plan may cut it at a different height.
For a sectional view add a vertical section plane by clicking a wall or other vertical surface.
It is also called a plan which is a measured plane typically projected at the floor height of 4 ft 1 2 m as opposed to an elevation which is a measured plane projected from the side of a building along its height or a section or cross section where a building is cut along an axis to reveal the interior structure.
After you figure out where you want to cut click once to add a section plane.
If you have not setup any views before choosing this option the dialog box will be empty.
In this video learn how to adjust your settings in lumion to create both plan and elevation views.
It displays a list of section views and floor plan views.
Plan drawings are in fact a type of section but they cut through the building on a horizontal rather than vertical plane.
To create a plan view add a horizontal section plane by clicking a horizontal plane like a floor.
If the cut is a floor plan you d select top down view in the camera menu.
Now that the model is cut at the right spot it s time to export it to autocad.
In addition we discuss using a clipping plane to quickly create a rendered floor plan view.
Selecting the section cut floor plan generate option from the utilities menu brings up the section floor plan views generate view dialog box.
Example here profile view of a cut of a floor plan 4.
Therefor you see in the cut anything that the plane passes through.
You can of course add section planes wherever you want.
This means that you have an imaginary plane cutting through the building at an elevation of 4 feet above the floor.