Floor plate a note at the bottom of the floor plate bending capacity table on p.
Floor plate bending capacity table.
If you ll review the floor plate capacity table on page 2 145 of the asic 9th manual asd you ll see that there is a deflection line of 1 100 of the span shown.
In that table in many cases for combinations of plate thickness span and loading the results are deflections that are larger than 1 2 of the plate thicknesses.
For class 1 sections.
The pattern of diamond studs on genuine durbar is on average 23 deeper than generic floor plates with 10 more studs providing outstanding slip resistance.
For a rectangular section f is equal to 1 5.
Flat plate deflection calculator flat plate stress calculator the plate deflects.
Varma in figure 4 my is the moment corresponding to first yield and mp is the plastic moment capacity of the cross section.
Engineering calculators menu engineering analysis menu.
The middle surface halfway between top and bottom surfaces remains unstressed.
Also at the right side of the screen there.
1 2 2 resistance to shear.
Many of the stress and deflection equations and calculators referenced from.
Slip resistantfloorplate load table thickness inches span 3003aluminumfloorplate 333 148 83 53 37 0 13 0 30 0 53 0 83 1 19 750 333 188 120 83 61 47 0 09 0 20 0 35 0 55 0 79 1 08 1 41.
Design of steel structures prof.
From the table derived in section 2 of this document the maximum allowable load acting at the mid span on a plate limited by bending resistance is 58.
The follow web pages contain engineering design calculators that will determine the amount of deflection and stress a flat plate of known thickness will deflect under the specified load and distribution.
Durbar is the leading brand of structural steel floor plate made in the uk for over 50 years only by tata steel.
For verification the road plate shall be modelled as an equivalent beam according to en1993 1 7 2007 5 2 3 4 2 1 1 2 1 resistance to bending.
Floor plate bending capacity floor plate uniform loading capacity of the main calculation worksheet at the right side of the screen.
For a wide flange section f is equal to 1 1.
At other points there are biaxial stresses in the plane of the plate.
2 145 in the 9th edition asd manual indicates that the loads are based on an extreme fiber stress of 16 ksi and simple span bending.
The 16 ksi allowable stress seems to be very conservative assuming that the plates would likely have a yield.