Spread footing design spreadsheet spreadsheet to calculate floor vibration steel element design strap footing design spreadsheet truss design spreadsheet ubc97 earthquake lateral forces ultimate design beam tension and compression reinforcement circular column design spreadsheetm ann building period predictor exe beam on elastic foundation.
Floor plate design spreadsheet.
Steel checkered floor plate design per aisc 13th edition asd.
50 mm by 50 mm finish light floor plate construction on area of 1 in.
However i normally use a much more stringent deflection criteria than 1 100 something more like 1 240 or even 1 360.
I personally have no problem using this spreadsheet to correlate with the table for one way floor plate design even if the resulting deflection is a bit more than 1 2 of the plate thickness.
Adapted from sei asce 7 10.
Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures location concentrated load lb kn catwalks for maintenance access elevator machine room grating on area of 2 in.
Download save the software to use requires ms excel steel checkered floor plate design per aisc 9th edition asd.
Grating grating xls is a workbook containing 9 worksheets for the purpose of analysis and design of welded steel grating and fabricated aluminum bar grating.
All spreadsheets that you can download are fully functional.
This collection includes following spreadsheets under following categories geotechnical design structural r f concrete structural steel design detailing bridge design timber design structural dynamics wind load calculation and hydraulics and.