A building owner who fails to install a backflow prevention device as directed by dep will be subject to the termination of the water supply notices of violation cease and desist orders other civil and criminal actions and proceedings fines penalties and other enforcement measures as described in section 24 346 of the new york city administrative code linked below under additional.
Floor sink doh pipe backflow nyc.
Plumbing code 2015 of new york state adopts with amendments.
Other requirements such as when partitions are used dimensions and certain exceptions are covered.
Pans and dishwashing sinks shall discharge through an indirect waste pipe as specified in sections 802 1 1 through 802 1 8.
Section 310 5 of the new york city plumbing code is added to cover urinal partitions.
The item in the picture to the right is referred to as a floor sink.
Buildings located in areas of special flood hazard as established by section g102 2 of appendix g of the new york city building code shall be deemed to be subject to overflow as the result of backwater from the public sewer system and shall be provided with backwater valves in accordance with the requirements of section 7 3 3 of asce 24 as modified by appendix g of the new york city building.
International plumbing code 2015 ipc 2015.
Pre wash sink i fwg dish tray drain size of drain for fwg is determined by drain opening on the fwg commercial dishwasher over 30 long needs a trap l5 the three 3 compartment sink has a dfu value of 3.
Floor sink as a waste receptor.
It is similar to a floor drain as it is installed flush with the floor but has a much larger chamber to receive the indirect wastes and does have a strainer as called for in the plumbing code in addition to the grate.
1 1 2 i 1 1 2 co trap size of sink is determined by the size of the sink drain outlet.