Floor touch test.
Floor touch test kraus weber.
Motor fitness refers to a person s ability to perform physical activities or the capability of an athlete to perform effectively at his her particular sport.
Strength of lower back muscles test 6.
The subject is asked to raise his feet.
The kraus weber physical fitness report in 1955 based on the results of testing using these tests led to the development of the president s council on physical fitness and sports and the president s challenge program.
The results of this test in schoolchildren are startling.
Fifty eight percent of american children failed one or more tests as.
It is also known as floor touch test.
Sixty six college women were measured on three hip flexibility tests an adapted kraus weber floor touch test leighton flexometer and wells sit and reach.
The kraus weber test or k w test is a fitness test devised by hans kraus and sonja weber of new york presbyterian hospital.
Bend over slowly and touch the floor with the fingertips.
Minimum muscular fitness of the school children.
The kraus weber test comprises 6 exercises being unable to perform even one of the six exercises results in failing the test overall.
Function kraus weber exercises aren t meant to build strength but to determine whether or not an individual has the acceptable minimum core muscle strength and flexibility.
The kraus weber test involved six simple movements and took 90 seconds to administer.
Hold this position for 3 seconds.
7 2 motor fitness test.
The subject s position remains the same but the examiner holds his chest down.
Scoring from 0 10 depends on the number of seconds he holds the position.
Fitness testing tests flexibility floor touch.
Lower back flexibility is important because tightness in this area is implicated in lumbar lordosis forward.
This test measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles similar to what is measured with the sit and reach test the test is part of the kraus weber fitness test protocols a series of six medical fitness test measures the strength and flexibility of key postural core muscles.
Floor touch test kraus weber test 11.
The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the three selected tests of hip flexibility in the antero posterior plane and the following anthropometric measures.
Kraus work led the creation of the kraus weber fitness test a program featuring six exercises to evaluate an individual s overall muscle fitness.
Kraus h hirschland r.
The examiner counts to 10 seconds.
Kraus weber test no.
To measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles.
The subject stands erect barefooted and with feet together.
Aapher motor fitness test following items are part of the test.
Some early studies using this test were performed by bonnie prudden in 1940s and 1950s she applied this test to students in her conditioning classes.