Included are a series of representative roof truss span tables that will give you an idea of the truss spans available for a particular load condition load duration lumber type and truss configuration.
Floor truss span tables.
Joist span table use these tables to determine floor joist spans based on grade of lumber size of joist floor joist spacing and a live load of 30 lbs ft 2 or 40 lbs ft 2 these tables can also be used to determine deck joist span.
72 5 0 mi ni m u m girder floor truss floor truss jacks a a bearing wall girder floor truss floor truss jacks bearing wall cantilevered floor truss two 2x rim joists 24 max.
Floor truss span chart each individual floor truss design is unique based on multiple variables.
Maximum deflection is limited by l 360 or l 480 under live load.
Continuing on from part 1.
The maximum span is measured o c.
Residential structural design vertical structural forces we were about to start learning about floor joist span tables.
Engineered wood products ewp span and size charts for bci joists.
The minimum bearing length is 1 spans values in bold indicate that web stiffeners are required at the osb end panel.
And parallel to floor truss span strongback lateral supports 24 max.
You can also use the wood beam calculator from.
Floor truss span tables alpine engineered products 17 these allowable spans are based on nds 91.
Using floor joist span tables.
Tcll 40 psf tcll 80 psf tcll 125 psf truss spacing truss spacing truss spacing.
Span tables use these tables to determine rafter span ceiling joist span and floor joist span.
Design properties 16 floor span and load tables 17 allowable holes 18 roof span and load tables 19 cantilevers 20 21 framing connectors 22 23.
The spans are based on simple span joists.
Bci joists are specially constructed i joists with flanges made from strong versa lam laminated veneer lumber with oriented stranded board webs and approved waterproof structural adhesives providing outstanding strength and durability.
Of bearings and is based on uniformly loaded joists.
Keep in mind that these tables are for estimations only.
You can use sbca s span charts to roughly determine truss sizes available.
Basic lumber design values are f 2000 psi f 1100 psi f 2000 psi e 1 800 000 psi duration of load 1 00.
Geometry loading spacing bearing conditions etc.
Don t worry you won t need to do a lot of calculations in determining the size and placement of the structural framing within your house design.
Floor span and load tables 7 8 tips for preventing floor noise 8 allowable holes 9 cantilevers 10 11 roof span and load tables 12 13 framing connectors 14 15 section 2.
Roof floor truss manual 7 31 08 10 43 am page 12.
Floor joist span tables for various sizes and species of wood.