The tower has the appearance of a staff with the head of the staff looking like a dragon and has many crystals coming out of it.
Floors of the tower of ultimate wizardy.
The wizards tower is a famous saradominist institute of magic and runecrafting in misthalin.
Below the tower of ultimate wizardry is a series of catacombs once home to the mysterious bennu these catacombs known as the zarlin catacombs have since been excavated and emptied of most of it s content although.
The immense tower is located on a small island south of draynor village connected to the mainland by an exquisite bridge.
The tower of ultimate wizardry is the fifth campaign of urealms season 2 and it originally aired on september 3rd 2016.
The tower is associated with many other wizards outside the tower as well as the wizards guild of yanille with which it has a sort of rivalry.
The tower of ultimate wizardry is a magical spire constructed by some of the most powerful mages in the realm.
It can also be accessed by entering the eastern portal on the second floor of the wizards guild.