There are three main types of hard floor cleaner.
Floor level clean out.
Spread the leveler over the floor with a trowel or a gauge rake so it covers each low area completely.
Floors are rarely perfectly level.
You will have to make sure your joists can handle the addition of considerably more weight from the plywood subfloor and any floor coverings.
Use screws to secure the leveling strips to the floor every 16 inches.
Screw the strips into the floor joists or subfloor.
Fill any low spots with a cementitious leveling compound following the manufacturer s directions and allow it to dry before proceeding.
Pour a generous amount of mixed leveler onto the subfloor focusing on one or more wavy areas.
You can also combine the ingredients in a bucket but you ll have to dump out any leftovers once you ve finished cleaning the floor.
Mix the floor leveling compound with water in a bucket following the manufacturer s directions.
If the floor slants irregularly cut strips that bridge the cap at each floor joist.
Then go over any particularly high spots with a concrete grinder so they re level with the rest of the floor.
On the top side of the floor another fix it idea to lay down new hardwood over the existing floor.
Those with rollers those with spinning microfibre pads and steam cleaners.
Cleanout tops should be of the correct shape to blend with the surround ing floor and wall area.
If the floor is uneven lift up the board until it is level so you ll know how much flooring compound you ll need to even it out.
All smith tops are carefully engineered for easy fast and safe cover removal for quick access to the closure plug.
For how to clean vinyl floors or other types of floors add the ingredients to a plastic or glass spray bottle and shake well.
Spray the cleaner liberally on the floor and wipe with a mop.
If the area is very large use a long straight 2 in 4 in 5 1 cm 10 2 cm board and set your level on top of it.
Check your wood flooring manufacturer s recommendations and sand any high spots with a concrete grinder.
Roller cleaners generally have both dirty water and clean water tanks.
A plywood subfloor will bridge any minor waves in the existing floor and leveling compound would help too.
To do this simply cut several leveling strips the same size as the original strip.
When you re finished spread some concrete leveler primer over the floor and let it dry until it has a tacky finish.