Wednesday september 30 2020 08 52 pm.
Floor time debate.
Passage of h r 8337 continuing resolution.
Arrangements can be made on the floor during the debate and at other times they are made prior to floor consideration.
While the 30 hours of debate on a major issue may not be a big concern to the senate the ability to force multiple 30 hours of debate on several issues even on otherwise non controversial issues can effectively prevent the senate from passing more than two or three.
In a typical 45 day general session each chamber of the utah legislature schedules roughly 100 120 hours of floor debate time.
The senate only has a limited amount of floor time to consider matters.
Without sitting down that is.
The committee leaders from both sides of the aisle manage the consideration of a bill on the floor under what is known as controlled time by allocating the debate time among several members.
All told this process of reaching a final vote on a bill can require about a week of senate floor time to complete.
Without sitting down that is.
The tactic ate up precious and limited floor time for debate.
Overall these rules and practices governing floor debate and amending in the.
The former history professor also betrays a poor grasp of the senate s history when he suggests that empowering committees will lead to greater floor deliberation.
For much of the institution s history committee leaders tried to limit their colleagues ability to debate and amend their legislation on the senate floor.
But because a cloture process is often required to end debate on a bill then the bill first must garner the support of a three fifths supermajority.
The longest single senator filibuster occurred in 1957 when south carolina segregationist.
The longest single senator filibuster occurred in 1957 when south carolina segregationist strom.